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#5 Practical RWE – Clinical Study Classification: Retrospective or Prospective?

#5 Practical RWE – Clinical Study Classification: Retrospective or Prospective?


We often get confused when we use the terms ‘retrospective’ or ‘prospective’ in the context of a non-interventional study.

By definition [ref 1], a retrospective study collects data that was generated before the study was approved and a prospective study collects data that was generated after the study was approved.  Seems simple enough! 

In Europe, countries such as Germany [ref 2], Italy [ref 3], and Spain [ref 1] use the terms ‘retrospective’ and/or ‘prospective’.  Whereas, Austria has revised their non-interventional study guidance [ref 4] to state that:

“Retrospective data evaluations are studies that are carried out exclusively on data already collected for other reasons (in particular on the occasion of a curative treatment). Since retrospective data collection does not  involve a human study – which is required for the ‘clinical study’ under Article 2(2)(1) of the EU CTR – the  term  ‘clinical study’ (and thus also the legal definition of ‘non-interventional study’) is not fulfilled.”

Similarly, the research system in France focuses on research directly involving humans (RIPH e.g., clinical trials and non-interventional studies) [ref 5] and research which doesn’t (Non-RIPH e.g., secondary use of existing data).

Meaning?  In Austria and France, retrospective non-interventional studies aren’t actually…non-interventional studies. No wonder we get confused!

It could be argued that France is a leader in terms of the pivot from ‘retrospective and prospective’ to more contextual descriptors of ‘primary data and secondary data’.

This is very topical in the context of the European Health Data Space (EHDS) [ref 6], where ‘primary use of electronic health data’ means the processing of personal electronic health data for the provision of health services etc, and ‘secondary use of electronic health data’ means the processing of electronic health data for purposes such as scientific research.

Clearly, there is much work to do at the local level before we see the terms ‘retrospective’ and ‘prospective’ phased out and replaced with unified (and less confusing?) data descriptors, such as  ‘primary data’ and ‘secondary data’.  Until then…let the confusion abound!



[1] Article 2(1)(b) of Royal Decree 957/2020 of November 3:

[2] BfArM and PEI Joint Recommendations (Dec 2022):

[3] AIFA Determination March 20, 2008 – Guidelines for the classification and conduct of observational drug studies:

[4] Federal Office for Safety in Health Care (BASG) – Guideline for the Differentiation of Clinical Studies:

[5] Article L1121-1 of the Public Health Code (CSP):

[6] European Commission – European Health Data Space:

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#5 Practical RWE – Clinical Study Classification: Retrospective or Prospective?2024-02-01T14:44:05+00:00

#4 Practical RWE – Clinical Study Classification: Non-Interventional Study or Observational Study?

#4 Practical RWE – Clinical Study Classification: Non-Interventional Study or Observational Study?


It’s a simple question. Actually…no it isn’t.

The EU defines a non-interventional study as a “clinical study other than a clinical  trial” 😳 [ref 1].  Whereas the US FDA talks about “non-interventional (observational) studies”[ref 2].

So…let’s simplify things…for the sake of your sanity and mine.

In Europe, by definition [ref 1], a non-interventional study must involve a drug.  If your clinical study does not involve a drug…then by regulatory definition it cannot be a non-interventional study. Meaning?  Any other type of study with a non-interventional design will be an observational study…which may or may not be defined at the local level.

The EMA list of metadata for the Real World Data catalogues (which go live in February 2024) [ref 3] define the drug study types as ‘clinical trial’ or ‘non-interventional study’.  The non-interventional study, study designs are defined as: cohort| case-control| case-only| cross-sectional| ecological| cluster design| systematic review and meta-analysis.  Note the absence of ‘observational’.

In the USA, the terms ‘non-interventional study’ and observational study are used interchangeably:

A non-interventional study (also referred to as an observational study) is a type of study in which patients received the marketed drug of interest during routine medical practice and are not assigned to an intervention according to a protocol (as per Section II of the FDA Guidance) [ref 2].

However, the FDA definition implies that a non-interventional study must involve a drug.

In summary, in both Europe and America, a non-interventional study must involve a drug.  If your clinical study does not involve a (marketed) drug…then by regulatory definition it cannot be a non-interventional study.



[1] Article 2.2(4) of Regulation EU/536/2014:

[2] Section II of the FDA Guidance – Considerations for the Use of Real-World Data and Real-World Evidence to Support Regulatory Decision-Making for Drug and Biological Products (August 2023):

[3] Section 2.2(II) of the EMA List of Metadata for Real World Data Catalogues (May 2022):

In essence, definitions lay the groundwork for accurate, consistent, and meaningful research, especially in areas where the data and its sources are as diverse and complex as in RWD and RWE.

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#4 Practical RWE – Clinical Study Classification: Non-Interventional Study or Observational Study?2024-02-01T14:38:55+00:00
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