FAQ | Answer |
[Pro Package] Why are some links greyed out? | These are things we are working on and will be available soon. Think of these as a ‘coming soon’ indicator. |
[Pro Package] How do I go about asking for something (e.g., more countries) to be added to the reg intel database? | Great question! We always love to hear about improvements and additions. Feel free to email us at: hello@rwr-regs.com |
What tool do you use to find all these fab updates? | It’s basically magic…special words and complex rituals. |
Would it be possible to get updates more often i.e., weekly? | It is indeed possible. We recommend you email us with your requirements, and we can set up a call to discuss: hello@rwr-regs.com |
How many countries are included in your monthly updates? | Currently 56 countries. We selected these countries based on our experience of which countries are core to client needs over the past decade. |
What do you mean by ‘real world research’? | Clinical research that uses real world data to generate real world evidence, such as observational studies, non-interventional studies, registries and registry studies. We exclude clinical trials from the definition as these have different regulatory requirements. |
Do you provide additional services, such as training or regulatory consulting? | We do indeed. We recommend you email us with your requirements, and we can set up a call to discuss: hello@rwr-regs.com |
Are you able to produce bespoke reports for our in-house regulatory intelligence team? | Great question! It would be easier to answer if we knew more about your requirements. We recommend you email us with your requirements, and we can set up a call to discuss: hello@rwr-regs.com |
Is there an option to receive the monthly updates as an email summary and would we be able to forward to our colleagues internally? Cheeky question, would we also be able to brand the email newsletter with our own company details. | Our core mission is to keep our customers happy…so, yes that is definitely an option. Feel free to email us with your requirements, and we can set up a call to discuss: hello@rwr-regs.com |
Is there an archive of all the previous monthly report? | Yes. This is available with the ‘Pro’ package |
[Pro Package] Do we have a say on which countries you add next to the ‘NIS Considerations’? | Absolutely! If we have the information, we will gladly add it for you. |
[Pro Package] The type of study I’m interested in isn’t covered in your country-specific NIS considerations. What do I do? Can I ask for it to be added and, more importantly, will it cost me more? | If it isn’t there, and we have the information, we will add it at no extra cost. |